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aha hari ak nak bercoret coret pasal think point
mule mule aku nk tanye korang pakai antivirus ape?
dan dah berape lame korang ta update?
atau korang update hari2

ok kite terus kan dgn ape tu think point
think point tu bahase melayu nye titik fikir?betol ke?hehehehe gurau jep
think point ni satu antivirus fake atau senang cite virus lah
think point ni belagak macam antivirus lah tp sebenar nye tak
bile korang terinstal mcm niyh la keluar nye
mesti korang igt ni antivirus kan tp BUKAN
mcm mane think point ni bole ter instal dlm pc korang?
setan yg reka think point niyh upload kat internet then dye rename mende ni
as a software,lagu,video and so on lah.hee
bile korang dah je ter download secare otomatik mende ni akan instal sendiri dan akan mintak korang reboot pc korang reboot a.k.a restart lah..
mase korang download antivirus korang akan detect web think point ni as virus so akan terus block lah
tp think point ni punye teror terus instal dlm pc
so apa akan jadi bile think point terinstal?
korang langsung taleh bkak web browser korang
mesti korang na nges kan time tu..ehehe
bile klik je kt web browser korang automatic kuar niyh 
korang scan lah pc korang antivirus korang takan dapat detect
so ape nak buat kalu jadi gni korang tekan  CTRL + ALT + DEL pastu kuar task manager pegy bahagian processor korang carik  hotfix.exe korang klik mende uw pastu end processor  pastu  manual search think point uw
korang g kat desktop korang klik kanan kt think point uw 
pegi properties ko copy target uw mcm ni contoh nye lah "C:\Program Files\SpeedFan\speedfan.exe"
yang atas tu contoh jela ek
 dah tu close korang g kt start korg paste kt search bar uw then da kuar result hotfix.exe delete mende uw
dan shortcut kat desktop pun delete dan aku saran kan korang restart pc korang pastu ko run antivirus then siap..
kenape aku cerita?sbb semalam bru kene so lau korang kne korang dah tau lah cara cara nak remove uw oke

sekian coretan aku

ipin (:

Thanks datang blog kite ! Love yaaa ;)